package tfm.graphs; import com.github.javaparser.ast.body.MethodDeclaration; import com.github.javaparser.ast.stmt.BlockStmt; import tfm.visitors.pdg.ControlDependencyBuilder; import tfm.visitors.pdg.DataDependencyBuilder; /** * Populates a {@link PDG}, given a complete {@link CFG}, an empty {@link PDG} and an AST root node. * For now it only accepts {@link MethodDeclaration} as root, as it can only receive a single CFG. *
* Usage: *
  1. Create an empty {@link CFG}.
  2. *
  3. Create an empty {@link PDG} (optionally passing the {@link CFG} as argument).
  4. *
  5. Create a new {@link PDGBuilder}, passing both graphs as arguments.
  6. *
  7. Accept the builder as a visitor of the {@link MethodDeclaration} you want to analyse using * {@link com.github.javaparser.ast.Node#accept(com.github.javaparser.ast.visitor.VoidVisitor, Object) Node#accept(VoidVisitor, Object)}: * {@code methodDecl.accept(builder, null)}
  8. *
  9. Once the previous step is finished, the complete PDG is saved in * the object created in the second step. The builder should be discarded * and not reused.
  10. *
*/ public class PDGBuilder { private PDG pdg; private CFG cfg; protected PDGBuilder(PDG pdg) { assert pdg.getCfg() != null; this.pdg = pdg; this.cfg = pdg.getCfg(); } public void createFrom(MethodDeclaration methodDeclaration) { if (!methodDeclaration.getBody().isPresent()) throw new IllegalStateException("Method needs to have a body"); this.pdg.buildRootNode("ENTER " + methodDeclaration.getNameAsString(), methodDeclaration); assert this.pdg.getRootNode().isPresent(); BlockStmt methodBody = methodDeclaration.getBody().get(); // build CFG; // Build control dependency ControlDependencyBuilder controlDependencyBuilder = new ControlDependencyBuilder(pdg, cfg); controlDependencyBuilder.analyze(); // Build data dependency DataDependencyBuilder dataDependencyBuilder = new DataDependencyBuilder(pdg, cfg); methodBody.accept(dataDependencyBuilder, null); } }