package tfm.graphs; import com.github.javaparser.ast.Node; import edg.graphlib.Arrow; import tfm.arcs.Arc; import tfm.arcs.cfg.ControlFlowArc; import tfm.nodes.GraphNode; import tfm.slicing.SlicingCriterion; import tfm.utils.NodeNotFoundException; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Set; import; public class CFGGraph extends Graph { public CFGGraph() { super(); } @Override public GraphNode addNode(String instruction, ASTNode node) { GraphNode vertex = new GraphNode<>(getNextVertexId(), instruction, node); this.addVertex(vertex); return vertex; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void addControlFlowEdge(GraphNode from, GraphNode to) { super.addEdge(from, to); } @Override public String toGraphvizRepresentation() { String lineSep = System.lineSeparator(); String nodes = getNodes().stream() .sorted(Comparator.comparingInt(GraphNode::getId)) .map(GraphNode::toGraphvizRepresentation) .collect(Collectors.joining(lineSep)); String arrows = getArcs().stream() .sorted(Comparator.comparingInt(arc -> this.getEdgeSource(arc).getId())) .map(Arc::toGraphvizRepresentation) .collect(Collectors.joining(lineSep)); return "digraph g{" + lineSep + nodes + lineSep + arrows + lineSep + "}"; } @Override public Graph slice(SlicingCriterion slicingCriterion) { return this; } public Set> findLastDefinitionsFrom(GraphNode startNode, String variable) { // Logger.log("======================================================="); // Logger.log("Starting from " + startNode); // Logger.log("Looking for variable " + variable); // Logger.log(cfgGraph.toString()); if (!this.contains(startNode)) { throw new NodeNotFoundException(startNode, this); } return findLastDefinitionsFrom(new HashSet<>(), startNode, startNode, variable); } private Set> findLastDefinitionsFrom(Set visited, GraphNode startNode, GraphNode currentNode, String variable) { visited.add(currentNode.getId()); // Logger.log("On " + currentNode); Set> res = new HashSet<>(); for (Arc arc : incomingEdgesOf(currentNode)) { ControlFlowArc controlFlowArc = (ControlFlowArc) arc; GraphNode from = this.getEdgeSource(controlFlowArc); // Logger.log("Arrow from node: " + from); if (!Objects.equals(startNode, from) && visited.contains(from.getId())) { // Logger.log("It's already visited. Continuing..."); continue; } if (from.getDefinedVariables().contains(variable)) { // Logger.log("Contains defined variable: " + variable); res.add(from); } else { // Logger.log("Doesn't contain the variable, searching inside it"); res.addAll(findLastDefinitionsFrom(visited, startNode, from, variable)); } } // Logger.format("Done with node %s", currentNode.getId()); return res; } }