package tfm.graphs.sdg; import com.github.javaparser.ParserConfiguration; import com.github.javaparser.ast.Node; import com.github.javaparser.ast.NodeList; import com.github.javaparser.ast.body.ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration; import com.github.javaparser.ast.body.MethodDeclaration; import com.github.javaparser.ast.body.Parameter; import com.github.javaparser.ast.body.VariableDeclarator; import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.Expression; import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.MethodCallExpr; import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.NameExpr; import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.VariableDeclarationExpr; import com.github.javaparser.ast.stmt.*; import com.github.javaparser.ast.type.Type; import com.github.javaparser.ast.visitor.VoidVisitorAdapter; import com.github.javaparser.resolution.UnsolvedSymbolException; import com.github.javaparser.resolution.declarations.ResolvedMethodDeclaration; import com.github.javaparser.resolution.declarations.ResolvedReferenceTypeDeclaration; import com.github.javaparser.symbolsolver.JavaSymbolSolver; import com.github.javaparser.symbolsolver.SourceFileInfoExtractor; import com.github.javaparser.symbolsolver.javaparsermodel.JavaParserFacade; import com.github.javaparser.symbolsolver.model.resolution.SymbolReference; import com.github.javaparser.symbolsolver.model.resolution.TypeSolver; import com.github.javaparser.symbolsolver.resolution.SymbolSolver; import com.github.javaparser.symbolsolver.resolution.typesolvers.CombinedTypeSolver; import com.github.javaparser.symbolsolver.resolution.typesolvers.JavaParserTypeSolver; import com.github.javaparser.symbolsolver.resolution.typesolvers.ReflectionTypeSolver; import tfm.nodes.GraphNode; import tfm.nodes.TypeNodeFactory; import tfm.nodes.type.NodeType; import tfm.utils.Context; import tfm.utils.Logger; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Optional; import; class MethodCallReplacerVisitor extends VoidVisitorAdapter { private SDG sdg; private GraphNode methodCallNode; public MethodCallReplacerVisitor(SDG sdg) { this.sdg = sdg; } private void searchAndSetMethodCallNode(Node node) { Optional> optionalNode = sdg.findNodeByASTNode(node); assert optionalNode.isPresent(); methodCallNode = optionalNode.get(); } @Override public void visit(DoStmt n, Context arg) { searchAndSetMethodCallNode(n); super.visit(n, arg); } @Override public void visit(ForEachStmt n, Context arg) { searchAndSetMethodCallNode(n); super.visit(n, arg); } @Override public void visit(ForStmt n, Context arg) { searchAndSetMethodCallNode(n); super.visit(n, arg); } @Override public void visit(IfStmt n, Context arg) { searchAndSetMethodCallNode(n); super.visit(n, arg); } @Override public void visit(SwitchStmt n, Context arg) { searchAndSetMethodCallNode(n); super.visit(n, arg); } @Override public void visit(WhileStmt n, Context arg) { searchAndSetMethodCallNode(n); super.visit(n, arg); } @Override public void visit(ReturnStmt n, Context arg) { searchAndSetMethodCallNode(n); super.visit(n, arg); } @Override public void visit(ExpressionStmt n, Context arg) { searchAndSetMethodCallNode(n); super.visit(n, arg); } @Override public void visit(MethodCallExpr methodCallExpr, Context context) { List arguments = methodCallExpr.getArguments(); // // Parse first method call expressions as arguments // // .filter(Expression::isMethodCallExpr) // .forEach(expression -> expression.accept(this, context)); Logger.log("MethodCallReplacerVisitor", context); Optional> optionalNethodDeclarationNode = getMethodDeclarationNodeWithJavaParser(methodCallExpr); if (!optionalNethodDeclarationNode.isPresent()) { Logger.format("Not found: '%s'. Discarding"); return; } GraphNode calledMethodNode = optionalNethodDeclarationNode.get(); MethodDeclaration methodCalled = calledMethodNode.getAstNode(); sdg.addCallArc(methodCallNode, calledMethodNode); NodeList parameters = calledMethodNode.getAstNode().getParameters(); for (int i = 0; i < parameters.size(); i++) { Parameter parameter = parameters.get(i); Expression argument = arguments.get(i); // In expression VariableDeclarationExpr inVariableDeclarationExpr = new VariableDeclarationExpr( new VariableDeclarator( parameter.getType(), parameter.getNameAsString() + "_in", new NameExpr(argument.toString()) ) ); ExpressionStmt inExprStmt = new ExpressionStmt(inVariableDeclarationExpr); GraphNode argumentInNode = sdg.addNode(inExprStmt.toString(), inExprStmt, TypeNodeFactory.fromType(NodeType.VARIABLE_IN)); // Out expression VariableDeclarationExpr outVariableDeclarationExpr = new VariableDeclarationExpr( new VariableDeclarator( parameter.getType(), parameter.getNameAsString(), new NameExpr(parameter.getNameAsString() + "_out") ) ); ExpressionStmt outExprStmt = new ExpressionStmt(outVariableDeclarationExpr); GraphNode argumentOutNode = sdg.addNode(outExprStmt.toString(), outExprStmt, TypeNodeFactory.fromType(NodeType.VARIABLE_OUT)); } // todo make call Logger.log("MethodCallReplacerVisitor", String.format("%s | Method '%s' called", methodCallExpr, methodCalled.getNameAsString())); } private Optional> getMethodDeclarationNodeWithJavaParser(MethodCallExpr methodCallExpr) { TypeSolver typeSolver = new ReflectionTypeSolver(); try { SymbolReference solver = JavaParserFacade.get(typeSolver).solve(methodCallExpr); return solver.isSolved() ? solver.getCorrespondingDeclaration().toAst() .flatMap(methodDeclaration -> sdg.findNodeByASTNode(methodDeclaration)) : Optional.empty(); } catch (UnsolvedSymbolException e) { return Optional.empty(); } } /** * Handles method calls with scope. Examples: * - System.out.println() -> println() is a method call with scope System.out * - new A().getB() -> getB() is a method call with scope new A() */ private Optional shouldMakeCallWithScope(MethodCallExpr methodCallExpr, Context context) { assert methodCallExpr.getScope().isPresent(); String scopeName = methodCallExpr.getScope().get().toString(); if (!context.getCurrentClass().isPresent()) { return Optional.empty(); } ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration currentClass = context.getCurrentClass().get(); // Check if it's a static method call of current class if (!Objects.equals(scopeName, currentClass.getNameAsString())) { // Check if 'scopeName' is a variable List> declarations = sdg.findDeclarationsOfVariable(scopeName, methodCallNode); if (declarations.isEmpty()) { // It is a static method call of another class. We do nothing return Optional.empty(); } /* It's a variable since it has declarations. We now have to check if the class name is the same as the current class (the object is an instance of our class) */ GraphNode declarationNode = declarations.get(declarations.size() - 1); ExpressionStmt declarationExpr = (ExpressionStmt) declarationNode.getAstNode(); VariableDeclarationExpr variableDeclarationExpr = declarationExpr.getExpression().asVariableDeclarationExpr(); Optional optionalVariableDeclarator = variableDeclarationExpr.getVariables().stream() .filter(variableDeclarator -> Objects.equals(variableDeclarator.getNameAsString(), scopeName)) .findFirst(); if (!optionalVariableDeclarator.isPresent()) { // should not happen return Optional.empty(); } Type variableType = optionalVariableDeclarator.get().getType(); if (!variableType.isClassOrInterfaceType()) { // Not class type return Optional.empty(); } if (!Objects.equals(variableType.asClassOrInterfaceType().getNameAsString(), currentClass.getNameAsString())) { // object is not instance of our class return Optional.empty(); } // if we got here, the object is instance of our class } // It's a static method call to a method of the current class return findMethodInClass(methodCallExpr, currentClass); } private Optional shouldMakeCallWithNoScope(MethodCallExpr methodCallExpr, Context context) { assert !methodCallExpr.getScope().isPresent(); /* May be a call to a method of the current class or a call to an imported static method. In the first case, we make the call. Otherwise, not. */ if (!context.getCurrentClass().isPresent()) { return Optional.empty(); } // We get the current class and search along their methods to find the one we're looking for... ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration currentClass = context.getCurrentClass().get(); return findMethodInClass(methodCallExpr, currentClass); } private Optional findMethodInClass(MethodCallExpr methodCallExpr, ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration klass) { int argumentsCount = methodCallExpr.getArguments().size(); // Get methods with equal name and parameter count List classMethods = klass.getMethodsByName(methodCallExpr.getNameAsString()).stream() // Filter methods with equal or less (varargs) number of parameters .filter(methodDeclaration -> { NodeList parameters = methodDeclaration.getParameters(); if (parameters.size() == argumentsCount) { return true; } if (parameters.isEmpty()) { return false; } // There are more arguments than parameters. May be OK if last parameter is varargs if (parameters.size() < argumentsCount) { return parameters.get(parameters.size() - 1).isVarArgs(); } // There are less arguments than parameters. May be OK if the last parameter is varargs // and it's omited return parameters.size() - 1 == argumentsCount && parameters.get(parameters.size() - 1).isVarArgs(); }) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (classMethods.isEmpty()) { // No methods in class with that name and parameter count return Optional.empty(); } if (classMethods.size() == 1) { // We found the method! return Optional.of(classMethods.get(0)); } /* * Tricky one! We have to match argument and parameter types, so we have to: * - Differentiate arguments expressions: * - Easy: In case of CastExpr, get the type * - Easy: In case of ObjectCreationExpr, get the type * - Medium: In case of NameExpr, find the declaration and its type * - Medium: In case of LiteralExpr, get the type * - Hard: In case of MethodCallExpr, find MethodDeclaration and its type * - If there is a varargs parameter, check every argument corresponding to it has the same type * * Example: * At this point these three methods are considered as called: * private void foo(int a, int b) {} * private void foo(String a, String b) {} * private void foo(String a, int... bs) {} * * We have to match types to get the correct one * * */ return -> { boolean match = true; for (int i = 0; i < methodDeclaration.getParameters().size(); i++) { if (!match) { break; } if (argumentsCount < i) { return argumentsCount == i - 1 && methodDeclaration.getParameter(i).isVarArgs(); } // TODO - Convert into a visitor Expression argumentExpression = methodCallExpr.getArgument(i); Parameter parameter = methodDeclaration.getParameter(i); if (argumentExpression.isCastExpr()) { match = Objects.equals(argumentExpression.asCastExpr().getType(), parameter.getType()); } else if (argumentExpression.isObjectCreationExpr()) { match = Objects.equals(argumentExpression.asObjectCreationExpr().getType(), parameter.getType()); } else if (argumentExpression.isNameExpr()) { String variableName = argumentExpression.asNameExpr().getNameAsString(); List> declarationsOfVariable = sdg.findDeclarationsOfVariable(argumentExpression.asNameExpr().getNameAsString(), methodCallNode); assert !declarationsOfVariable.isEmpty(); GraphNode declarationNode = declarationsOfVariable.get(declarationsOfVariable.size() - 1); ExpressionStmt expressionStmt = (ExpressionStmt) declarationNode.getAstNode(); assert expressionStmt.getExpression().isVariableDeclarationExpr(); match = expressionStmt.getExpression().asVariableDeclarationExpr().getVariables().stream() .filter(variableDeclarator -> Objects.equals(variableDeclarator.getName().asString(), variableName)) .findFirst() .map(variableDeclarator -> Objects.equals(variableDeclarator.getType(), parameter.getType())) .orElse(false); } // TODO: More checks } return match; }).findFirst(); } }