package tfm.graphs.cfg; import com.github.javaparser.ast.Node; import com.github.javaparser.ast.body.MethodDeclaration; import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.BooleanLiteralExpr; import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.Expression; import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.SimpleName; import com.github.javaparser.ast.stmt.*; import com.github.javaparser.ast.visitor.VoidVisitor; import com.github.javaparser.ast.visitor.VoidVisitorAdapter; import tfm.nodes.GraphNode; import tfm.utils.ASTUtils; import java.util.*; /** * Populates a {@link CFG}, given one and an AST root node. * For now it only accepts {@link MethodDeclaration} as roots, as it disallows * multiple methods. *
* Usage: *
  1. Create a new {@link CFG}.
  2. *
  3. Create a new {@link CFGBuilder}, passing the graph as argument.
  4. *
  5. Accept the builder as a visitor of the {@link MethodDeclaration} you * want to analyse using {@link Node#accept(VoidVisitor, Object)}: {@code methodDecl.accept(builder, null)}
  6. *
  7. Once the previous step is finished, the complete CFG is saved in * the object created in the first step. The builder should be discarded * and not reused.
  8. *
*/ public class CFGBuilder extends VoidVisitorAdapter { /** Stores the CFG representing the method analyzed. */ protected final CFG graph; /** Nodes that haven't yet been connected to another one. * The next node will be the destination, they are the source. */ protected final List> hangingNodes = new LinkedList<>(); /** Stack of break statements collected in various (nestable) breakable blocks. */ protected final Deque>> breakStack = new LinkedList<>(); /** Stack of continue statements collected in various (nestable) continuable blocks. */ protected final Deque>> continueStack = new LinkedList<>(); /** Lists of labelled break statements, mapped according to their label. */ protected final Map>> breakMap = new HashMap<>(); /** Lists of labelled continue statements, mapped according to their label. */ protected final Map>> continueMap = new HashMap<>(); /** Return statements that should be connected to the final node, if it is created at the end of the */ protected final List> returnList = new LinkedList<>(); /** Stack of lists of hanging cases on switch statements */ protected final Deque>> switchEntriesStack = new LinkedList<>(); protected CFGBuilder(CFG graph) { this.graph = graph; } protected GraphNode connectTo(T n) { return connectTo(n, n.toString()); } protected GraphNode connectTo(T n, String text) { GraphNode dest = graph.addNode(text, n); connectTo(dest); return dest; } protected void connectTo(GraphNode node) { for (GraphNode src : hangingNodes) graph.addControlFlowEdge(src, node); clearHanging(); hangingNodes.add(node); } protected void clearHanging() { hangingNodes.clear(); } @Override public void visit(ExpressionStmt expressionStmt, Void arg) { connectTo(expressionStmt); } @Override public void visit(IfStmt ifStmt, Void arg) { // *if* -> {then else} -> after GraphNode cond = connectTo(ifStmt, String.format("if (%s)", ifStmt.getCondition())); // if -> {*then* else} -> after ifStmt.getThenStmt().accept(this, arg); List> hangingThenNodes = new LinkedList<>(hangingNodes); if (ifStmt.getElseStmt().isPresent()) { // if -> {then *else*} -> after clearHanging(); hangingNodes.add(cond); ifStmt.getElseStmt().get().accept(this, arg); hangingNodes.addAll(hangingThenNodes); } else { // if -> {then **} -> after hangingNodes.add(cond); } // if -> {then else} -> *after* } @Override public void visit(LabeledStmt n, Void arg) { breakMap.put(n.getLabel(), new LinkedList<>()); continueMap.put(n.getLabel(), new LinkedList<>()); super.visit(n, arg); hangingNodes.addAll(breakMap.remove(n.getLabel())); // Remove the label from the continue map; the list should have been emptied // in the corresponding loop. if (!continueMap.remove(n.getLabel()).isEmpty()) throw new IllegalStateException("Labeled loop has not cleared its list of continue statements!"); } protected void hangLabelledContinueStmts(Node loopParent) { if (loopParent instanceof LabeledStmt) { SimpleName label = ((LabeledStmt) loopParent).getLabel(); if (continueMap.containsKey(label)) { List> list = continueMap.get(label); hangingNodes.addAll(list); list.clear(); } } } @Override public void visit(WhileStmt whileStmt, Void arg) { GraphNode cond = connectTo(whileStmt, String.format("while (%s)", whileStmt.getCondition())); breakStack.push(new LinkedList<>()); continueStack.push(new LinkedList<>()); whileStmt.getBody().accept(this, arg); hangingNodes.addAll(continueStack.pop()); hangLabelledContinueStmts(whileStmt.getParentNode().orElse(null)); // Loop contains anything if (hangingNodes.size() != 1 || hangingNodes.get(0) != cond) connectTo(cond); hangingNodes.addAll(breakStack.pop()); } @Override public void visit(DoStmt doStmt, Void arg) { breakStack.push(new LinkedList<>()); continueStack.push(new LinkedList<>()); GraphNode cond = connectTo(doStmt, String.format("while (%s)", doStmt.getCondition())); doStmt.getBody().accept(this, arg); hangingNodes.addAll(continueStack.pop()); hangLabelledContinueStmts(doStmt.getParentNode().orElse(null)); // Loop contains anything if (hangingNodes.size() != 1 || hangingNodes.get(0) != cond) connectTo(cond); hangingNodes.addAll(breakStack.pop()); } @Override public void visit(ForStmt forStmt, Void arg) { breakStack.push(new LinkedList<>()); continueStack.push(new LinkedList<>()); // Initialization forStmt.getInitialization().forEach(this::connectTo); // Condition Expression condition = forStmt.getCompare().orElse(new BooleanLiteralExpr(true)); GraphNode cond = connectTo(forStmt, String.format("for (;%s;)", condition)); // Body and update expressions forStmt.getBody().accept(this, arg); forStmt.getUpdate().forEach(this::connectTo); // Condition if body contained anything hangingNodes.addAll(continueStack.pop()); hangLabelledContinueStmts(forStmt.getParentNode().orElse(null)); if ((hangingNodes.size()) != 1 || hangingNodes.get(0) != cond) connectTo(cond); hangingNodes.addAll(breakStack.pop()); } @Override public void visit(ForEachStmt forEachStmt, Void arg) { breakStack.push(new LinkedList<>()); continueStack.push(new LinkedList<>()); GraphNode cond = connectTo(forEachStmt, String.format("for (%s : %s)", forEachStmt.getVariable(), forEachStmt.getIterable())); forEachStmt.getBody().accept(this, arg); hangingNodes.addAll(continueStack.pop()); hangLabelledContinueStmts(forEachStmt.getParentNode().orElse(null)); if (hangingNodes.size() != 1 || hangingNodes.get(0) != cond) connectTo(cond); hangingNodes.addAll(breakStack.pop()); } /** Switch entry, considered part of the condition of the switch. */ @Override public void visit(SwitchEntryStmt entryStmt, Void arg) { // Case header (prev -> case EXPR) GraphNode node; if (entryStmt.getLabel().isPresent()) { node = connectTo(entryStmt, "case " + entryStmt.getLabel().get()); } else { node = connectTo(entryStmt, "default"); } switchEntriesStack.peek().add(node); // Case body (case EXPR --> body) entryStmt.getStatements().accept(this, arg); // body --> next } @Override public void visit(SwitchStmt switchStmt, Void arg) { // Link previous statement to the switch's selector switchEntriesStack.push(new LinkedList<>()); breakStack.push(new LinkedList<>()); GraphNode cond = connectTo(switchStmt, String.format("switch (%s)", switchStmt.getSelector())); // expr --> each case (fallthrough by default, so case --> case too) for (SwitchEntryStmt entry : switchStmt.getEntries()) { entry.accept(this, arg); // expr && prev case --> case --> next case hangingNodes.add(cond); // expr --> next case } // The next statement will be linked to: // 1. All break statements that broke from the switch (done with break section) // 2. If the switch doesn't have a default statement, the switch's selector (already present) // 3. If the last entry doesn't break, to the last statement (present already) // If the last case is a default case, remove the selector node from the list of nodes (see 2) if (ASTUtils.switchHasDefaultCase(switchStmt)) hangingNodes.remove(cond); List> entries = switchEntriesStack.pop(); // End block and break section hangingNodes.addAll(breakStack.pop()); } @Override public void visit(BreakStmt breakStmt, Void arg) { GraphNode node = connectTo(breakStmt); if (breakStmt.getLabel().isPresent()) breakMap.get(breakStmt.getLabel().get()).add(node); else breakStack.peek().add(node); clearHanging(); } @Override public void visit(ContinueStmt continueStmt, Void arg) { GraphNode node = connectTo(continueStmt); if (continueStmt.getLabel().isPresent()) continueMap.get(continueStmt.getLabel().get()).add(node); else continueStack.peek().add(node); clearHanging(); } @Override public void visit(ReturnStmt returnStmt, Void arg) { GraphNode node = connectTo(returnStmt); returnList.add(node); clearHanging(); } @Override public void visit(MethodDeclaration methodDeclaration, Void arg) { if (graph.getRootNode().isPresent()) throw new IllegalStateException("CFG is only allowed for one method, not multiple!"); if (!methodDeclaration.getBody().isPresent()) throw new IllegalStateException("The method must have a body!"); graph.buildRootNode("ENTER " + methodDeclaration.getNameAsString(), methodDeclaration); hangingNodes.add(graph.getRootNode().get()); methodDeclaration.getBody().get().accept(this, arg); -> !hangingNodes.contains(node)).forEach(hangingNodes::add); connectTo(new EmptyStmt(), "Exit"); } }