package tfm.exec; import guru.nidi.graphviz.engine.Format; import tfm.graphs.PDG; import tfm.graphs.PDG.APDG; import tfm.graphs.PDG.PPDG; import tfm.nodes.GraphNode; import tfm.utils.Logger; import tfm.visitors.pdg.PDGBuilder; import; import java.util.Comparator; import; public class PDGLog extends GraphLog { public static final int PDG = 0, APDG = 1, PPDG = 2; private CFGLog cfgLog; private int type; public PDGLog(int type) { this(null); this.type = type; } public PDGLog(PDG pdg) { super(pdg); if (graph != null && graph.getCfg() != null) cfgLog = new CFGLog(graph.getCfg()); else cfgLog = null; } @Override public void visit(com.github.javaparser.ast.Node node) { switch (type) { case PDG: this.graph = new PDG(); break; case APDG: this.graph = new APDG(); break; case PPDG: this.graph = new PPDG(); break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Invalid type of PDG"); } node.accept(new PDGBuilder(graph), this.graph.getRootNode()); if (cfgLog == null) { cfgLog = new CFGLog(graph.getCfg()); } } @Override public void log() throws IOException { super.log(); Logger.log("Nodes with variable info"); Logger.log(graph.getNodes().stream() .sorted(Comparator.comparingInt(GraphNode::getId)) .map(node -> String.format("GraphNode { id: %s, declared: %s, defined: %s, used: %s }", node.getId(), node.getDeclaredVariables(), node.getDefinedVariables(), node.getUsedVariables()) ).collect(Collectors.joining(System.lineSeparator())) ); } @Override public void generateImages(String imageName, Format format) throws IOException { super.generateImages(imageName + "-" + getExtra(), format); if (cfgLog != null) cfgLog.generateImages(imageName + "-cfg", format); } private String getExtra() { if (graph instanceof PPDG) return "ppdg"; else if (graph instanceof APDG) return "apdg"; else if (graph instanceof PDG) return "pdg"; throw new RuntimeException("invalid or null graph type"); } @Override public void openVisualRepresentation() throws IOException { super.openVisualRepresentation(); if (cfgLog != null) cfgLog.openVisualRepresentation(); } }