import com.github.javaparser.ast.body.MethodDeclaration;
import tfm.arcs.pdg.ControlDependencyArc;
import tfm.arcs.pdg.DataDependencyArc;
import tfm.slicing.Slice;
import tfm.slicing.Sliceable;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
* The <b>Program Dependence Graph</b> represents the statements of a method in
* a graph, connecting statements according to their {@link ControlDependencyArc control}
* and {@link DataDependencyArc data} relationships. You can build one manually or use
* the {@link tfm.visitors.pdg.PDGBuilder PDGBuilder}.
* The variations of the PDG are represented as child types.
public class PDG extends Graph implements Sliceable {
public static boolean isRanked = false, isSorted = false;
setRootVertex(new GraphNode<>(getNextVertexId(), getRootNodeData(), new MethodDeclaration()));
protected String getRootNodeData() {
return "Entry";
public <ASTNode extends Node> GraphNode<ASTNode> addNode(String instruction, ASTNode node) {
public <ASTNode extends Node> GraphNode<ASTNode> addNode(int id, String instruction, ASTNode node) {
GraphNode<ASTNode> vertex = new GraphNode<>(id, instruction, node);
return vertex;
private void addArc(Arc<? extends ArcData> arc) {
super.addEdge((Arrow<String, ArcData>) arc);
public void addControlDependencyArc(GraphNode<?> from, GraphNode<?> to) {
ControlDependencyArc controlDependencyArc = new ControlDependencyArc(from, to);
public void addDataDependencyArc(GraphNode<?> from, GraphNode<?> to, String variable) {
DataDependencyArc dataDataDependencyArc = new DataDependencyArc(from, to, variable);
public Set<GraphNode<?>> getNodesAtLevel(int level) {
.map(vertex -> (GraphNode<?>) vertex)
public int getLevels() {
return getVerticies().stream()
.map(vertex -> (GraphNode<?>) vertex)
.map(node -> getLevelOf(node) + 1)
public int getLevelOf(int nodeId) {
return findNodeById(nodeId)
.orElseThrow(() -> new NodeNotFoundException("Node with id " + nodeId + " not found in PDG graph"));
public int getLevelOf(@NotNull GraphNode<?> node) {
Optional<ControlDependencyArc> optionalControlDependencyArc = node.getIncomingArcs().stream()
.filter(a -> a.getFromNode().getId() < node.getId())
.map(arc -> (ControlDependencyArc) arc);
if (!optionalControlDependencyArc.isPresent()) {
return 0;
GraphNode<?> parent = optionalControlDependencyArc.get().getFromNode();
return 1 + getLevelOf(parent);
public void setCfg(CFG cfg) {
this.cfg = cfg;
public String toGraphvizRepresentation() {
String lineSep = System.lineSeparator();
StringBuilder rankedNodes = new StringBuilder();
// No level 0 is needed (only one node)
for (int i = 0; i < getLevels(); i++) {
Set<GraphNode<?>> levelNodes = getNodesAtLevel(i);
if (levelNodes.size() <= 1) {
// rank same
if (isRanked) {
rankedNodes.append("{ rank = same; ")
.map(node -> String.valueOf(node.getId()))
.append(" }")
if (isSorted) {
.map(node -> String.valueOf(node.getId()))
.collect(Collectors.joining(" -> ")))
.append("[style = invis];")
.sorted(Comparator.comparingInt(arrow -> ((GraphNode<?>) arrow.getFrom()).getId()))
return "digraph g{" + lineSep +
"splines=true;" + lineSep +
nodesDeclaration + lineSep +
arrows + lineSep +
public Slice slice(SlicingCriterion slicingCriterion) {
Optional<GraphNode<?>> node = slicingCriterion.findNode(this);
if (!node.isPresent())
Slice slice = new Slice();
getSliceNodes(slice, node.get());
return slice;
protected void getSliceNodes(Slice slice, GraphNode<?> node) {
for (Arc<ArcData> arc : node.getIncomingArcs()) {
GraphNode<?> from = arc.getFromNode();
if (slice.contains(from))
getSliceNodes(slice, from);
public CFG getCfg() {
return cfg;
public static class APDG extends PDG {
public APDG() {
public APDG(ACFG acfg) {
public static class PPDG extends APDG {
public PPDG() {
public PPDG(ACFG acfg) {
protected void getSliceNodes(Slice slice, GraphNode<?> node) {
for (Arc<ArcData> arc : node.getIncomingArcs()) {
GraphNode<?> from = arc.getFromNode();
if (slice.contains(from))
getSliceNodesPPDG(slice, from);
protected void getSliceNodesPPDG(Slice slice, GraphNode<?> node) {
if (ASTUtils.isPseudoPredicate(node.getAstNode()))
for (Arc<ArcData> arc : node.getIncomingArcs()) {
GraphNode<?> from = arc.getFromNode();
if (slice.contains(from))
getSliceNodesPPDG(slice, from);