The Program Slicing Benchmark Suite for Erlang

BenchmarksBencher (The program slicing BENCHmark suite for ERlang) is a benchmark suite specially designed to test Erlang slicers. The suite intention is to provide users with challenging Erlang programs. It is composed of 18 Erlang programs analized under 23 different slicing criteria. It contains heterogeneous programs, some of them elaborated by our research group and others comming from different Erlang repositories. In all cases, they were selected for their value for program slicing.

The suite includes a gold standard (a minimal slice) for each slicing criterion defined. All benchmarks have been classified using especific labels that allow for easily identifying the features they are evaluating (e.g., data structures, list comprehensions, inter-procedural calls, etc.). The labels also classify the benchmarks using different sets according to the functional programming or the Erlang programming features they use.


We greatly thank any feedback from the users of the suite. Any contribution that can help us to improve the completion of the benchmark is highly appreciated. Please report your feedback to

Made in the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV)

This software has been designed and implemented in the computer science labs of the UPV.